Conference Registration 2024.07.18.04
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CFileReaderReads the contents of a file
 CFileWriterFunctionality to write data to a file
 CGuestRegistrationRegistration for a guest attendee
 CMainWindowMain application window
 CNewRegistrationDialogDialog for creating a new registration
 CPersonPerson with a name, affiliation, and email
 CRegistrationRegistration for an event
 CRegistrationFactorySingleton class that is responsible for creating Registration objects
 CRegistrationFilterProxyModelCustom proxy model that filters the data based on a filter text
 CRegistrationListManages a list of conference registrations
 CRegistrationListReaderReads a list of registrations from an XML file
 CRegistrationListWriterFunctionality to write a list of registrations to an XML file
 CRegistrationModelCustom model that extends QStandardItemModel
 CRegistrationTypesDifferent types of registration
 CStandardRegistrationStandard registration for an event
 CStudentRegistrationRegistration for a student attendee
 CTotalFeesDialogDialog window for calculating and displaying total fees
 CTotalRegisteredDialogDialog window that displays the total number of registered attendees