Book Shelf
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAuthorAuthor of a book. Authors have a first name and a last name
 CBookBook object
 CBookFactoryFactory class for creating Book objects
 CBookInputDialog that allows the user to input a new book
 CBookProxyModelProxy model that filters the book table model
 CBookTableModelTable model that stores a list of books
 CBookWriterResponsible for serializing a list of books to an XML file. It uses the FileWriter class to handle the file writing
 CFileWriterResponsible for writing a string to a file
 CMainWindowThis class is the main window of the application
 CTestAuthorTests for the Author class
 CTestBookTests for the Book class. It tests the constructors, setters, and getters of the Book class
 CTestBookFactoryTests for the BookFactory class
 CTestBookProxyModelTests for the BookProxyModel class
 CTestBookTableModelTests for the BookTableModel class
 CTestBookWriterTests for the BookWriter class
 CTestFileWriterTests for the FileWriter class