Book Shelf
CAuthor | Author of a book. Authors have a first name and a last name |
CBook | Book object |
CBookFactory | Factory class for creating Book objects |
CBookInput | Dialog that allows the user to input a new book |
CBookProxyModel | Proxy model that filters the book table model |
CBookTableModel | Table model that stores a list of books |
CBookWriter | Responsible for serializing a list of books to an XML file. It uses the FileWriter class to handle the file writing |
CFileWriter | Responsible for writing a string to a file |
CMainWindow | This class is the main window of the application |
CTestAuthor | Tests for the Author class |
CTestBook | Tests for the Book class. It tests the constructors, setters, and getters of the Book class |
CTestBookFactory | Tests for the BookFactory class |
CTestBookProxyModel | Tests for the BookProxyModel class |
CTestBookTableModel | Tests for the BookTableModel class |
CTestBookWriter | Tests for the BookWriter class |
CTestFileWriter | Tests for the FileWriter class |